Monday, January 24, 2022

The Blue and White Chinoiserie Lamp

Pair of Birds and Branches Blue and White Chinoiserie Lamps

I think every room deserves a blue and white chinoiserie lamp. Whether gracing an entryway table, a dining room console, a bedroom side table, or next to a sofa or chair, a blue and white chinoiserie lamp will add a subtle elegance. These are all perfect for a little room refresh. Many of these are sold in pairs, ideal for a console table or flanking a sofa or bed.

Blue and White Floral Chinoiserie Lamp

Blue and White Florals and Vines Chinoiserie Lamp

Blue and White Double Gourd Chinese Lamp

Pair of Blue and White Ferns Chinoiserie Table Lamps

Beaker Vase Style Blue and White Chinoiserie Lamps

Pair of Blue and White Ginger Jar Lamps

Pair of Blue and White Chinoiserie Lamps

Blue and White Swirls Double Gourd Lamp

To cast a lovely and flattering glow on your room and everyone in it, I highly recommend these pink light bulbs - they don't make things look pink - just softer and prettier. Read my post on them here.

GE 60 Watt Pink Light Bulbs


  1. Such amazing prices, hard to believe. I especially like the Beaker Vase Style pair--plenty of $$ left over for custom shades and a pagoda style finial. The possibilities are endless.

    1. These are beautiful as is, but would be fun to customize. I wish there were more choices in finials. Hillary Thomas had a wonderful line now discontinued.

  2. I agree with the previous comment - these look like way more expensive lamps. Great picks.

    1. Thanks - I definitely have a thing for beautiful lamps. They make such a difference in a room.

  3. The lamps are lovely. Sadly, California has banned incandescent light bulbs so the soft pink ones can't be shipped/sold here.

    1. I live in the Wild Wild West here in Florida, so there are always trade-offs.

    2. I have read and attended courses about child and adult sensitivity to LED. Incandescent light is healthier for some people who are sensitive to LED, and hopefully in future, CA will rethink its policy.

    3. I had no idea about this. Thanks for sharing.

  4. These lamps are wonderful and the prices are unbelievable! I've paid more for a single silk lampshade than for some of these pairs of lamps. Great post!

    1. Thanks so much. I have an upcoming post on silk lampshades.

  5. I am not a fan of incandescent bulbs not just for environmental reasons but because they run hot and have ruined a few very expensive shades by discoloring them from the inside which is visible on the outside.

    Thankfully, there are many options of LED pink bulbs available out there from H Depot to Loews to Amazon. Here's one example:

    1. I find the light from LED bulbs to be completely unacceptable and ugly and have zero in my home.

      The light bulbs you link to are bright pink party lights completely different from my blush pink ones.

      I have had silk shades that have lasted for decades using incandescent light bulbs with no problems. You may have been using too large a light bulb or too high wattage. With my many silk lampshades, the only issue I have ever had was replacing the lining in a lampshade from my daughter's nursery after thirty years! And the shade is white....

    2. Yes, the link I gave was definitely wrong (ghastly lights) but I do recall seeing a softer version somewhere and was surprised to learn that they were not incandescent.

      Light bulbs have come a long way since the early (and only) alternative to incandescent bulbs: the depressing CFLs. I drew the line at those.

  6. These look so fresh and pretty, and I can't believe the prices! I live in California, and I've purchased the GE pink light bulbs that Beth is referring to, on Amazon. I love the fact that LED's last so long and use less energy, as energy prices in CA are quite high, but they do cast a more glaring and less flattering light than incandescent bulbs do. A lampshade in the right color might mute and soften the glare that LED's give off.

    1. I am fortunate that in Florida my energy costs are a fraction of what they were in NOVA and I have an abundance of sunlight. But when I use my lamps, I want beautiful light and LED's are not.

  7. I recall your Blog on Pink light bulbs - and shall have to purchase some. AS the proud owner of at least EIGHT (8) Blue/White Chinoiserie lamps in my small cottage - I'd say I'm obsessed - LOL.
    Blessings & Thx

    1. You can never have too many! Try the pink bulbs.
