Monday, January 13, 2025

Luxury Candles for Less

Aquiesse Santa Barbara

I had such a fun day yesterday watching the NFL Wild Card games including the Tampa Bay Buccaneers unfortunately lose to my former team the Washington Commanders (formerly the Washington Redskins). My husband and I were big Washington Redskins fans living in the D.C. area for many years and this is the first time in twenty years they have been in the playoffs. 

Congratulations to them. I did sneak in a run to HomeGoods. 

I was especially interested in replenishing my candle stash after using so many during the holidays. I had such great luck. I found high end candles including NEST New York, Trapp, and Aquiesse. The Aquiesse candles, for example, retail for around $50 each, and I found several at $12.99. 

There are hundreds of generic candles at HomeGoods, and you have to separate the wheat from the chaff. I notice that at my HomeGoods, they tend to put the luxury candles that are boxed across from the candles in the aisle with the candlesticks, boxed diffusers, boxed taper candles, and such. Lots of people don't bother checking the boxed candles. So keep your eyes open! BTW, HomeSense is another great source.

And add to your luxury candle ensemble a beautiful candle snuffer and matchstick cloche.

Crane Candle Snuffer

Lion Candle Snuffer

Skeem Iridescent Glass Match Cloche

Skeem Iridescent Glass Match Cloche


  1. I'll have to look at my Home Goods to see if they have some of the nicer candles. Your store sounds a bit higher-end than mine. Mine is so stuffed with things it's a bit overwhelming and I feel like I have to know what I'm looking for before I go in or I just wander around and leave. I saw those beatiful match cloches at Anthropologie the other day. Took me a while to figure out where the match strike was!

  2. Beth,
    Where would we be without your sourcing of all well-loved essentials that make our house a home. Thank you & may this be a great year filled with good health & good luck.

    Melissa M.
