Saturday, March 2, 2024

Happy Birthday Harper


Today is the 9th birthday of my wonderful Japanese Chin Harper. She has been at my side through all the highs and lows of this period, and I could not imagine a more wonderful friend.

Many people have said that everything they know about life they learned from their dog - living in the moment, unconditional love, loyalty, and an unquenchable joie de vie. I will make this day extra special for her and the new pup Beatrice who is now 12 weeks old. Dogs are with us for such a short time, I do my best to make every day special. 



  1. And I turn 68 today. How old is that in dog years? Cheers.

  2. I often quote Will Rogers, "If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went."

  3. Happy Birthday Harper! What joy they bring to our lives

  4. Happy Birthday Miss Harper🎁🐩🎂l love your outfit!
