Thursday, May 6, 2021

Coffee Table Books



I have not mentioned HomeGoods in ages/I have a horrible blog troll who attempts to leave nasty anonymous comments every time I do and it gets tiresome. At any rate, I was in HG yesterday and found this wonderful book on the world of horses. I rode for years and almost married someone who owned racing horses, and miss the world of "polished leather and fresh hay." I styled it with a vintage crop - not sure if this was mine or my daughter Kate's. The cover is ultra suede BTW.

Anyway, HomeGoods is a great source for coffee table books - this book The Equestrian World by Peter Clotten sells for $95.00 on Amazon and I found it at HG for $29.99. I have many other great book finds from there as well including some out of print books, all at great prices.


  1. I always enjoy your Homegoods posts, so I hope you will continue them. Is there any way to block the troll?

    1. Unfortunately, not if they are Anonymous. And the jerk was at it again.

  2. I agree with Susan. Your HG posts are fun! What a great find! Love your styling.

  3. I too love your HG posts, you always have amazing finds.

  4. By all means, keep doing the HG posts. They give me hope that there are beautiful things to be found out there in a regular, main stream store without having to fork out too much $$$.

    Anyone can spend a lot of money on pretty much anything but very few know how to really "shop" and get the best deal on the same thing.

    1. Thanks so much. I have had this knack since I was a child - I was at a thrift sore with my Mom as a little kid and pulled out Chanel for $1.

  5. You are the best shopper - I love to see your finds.

  6. Love to see what you find at HG! My favorite coffee table book finds there have been Gray Malin's books BEACHES and ESCAPE. Love his photos!

    1. I adore Gray Malin and will be adding one of his wonderful beach photos to my home.

  7. Keep up the HG posts! They help me know what to look for as sometimes I get visually overwhelmed there. I always check out books & stationery there.

    1. I will - there is a lot there to sift through.

  8. How weird that someone would do that. Can you block them? I've never cared to be on FB or twitter, as some of the things that people post are pretty shocking.

    How wonderful that you rode horses. They are such special and beautiful creatures.

    What a beautiful book. You must have a terrific HG store close to you. I never find these kinds of things at mine.

    1. I can't block that person, because they are too cowardly to post their name. I would have to block all Anonymous comments which I used to do, but some followers do choose to post as Anonymous.
