Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Elizabeth Bauer

My favorite posts are those that develop organically-fellow bloggers will know what I mean. A comment, a post on another blog, something in a magazine, or wherever will lead you off on an unexpected and delightful path. I received a comment on yesterday's post on Summer Palace wallpaper from Katy of Sloane Home that Elizabeth Bauer's store in NYC is done in that paper. Googling her, I found that she is an interior designer with a wonderful store in the Village. First, that is her desk in the store above. She put cork on the wall, then wallpapered over it. How cool is that? Below are more wonderful images from her store and work. I know many of you have weekends in NYC planned this fall and winter. Be sure to visit her store filled with marvelous preppy Chinoiserie, Hollywood Regency, and other treasures. Her website is here. Maybe I' ll have the chance to meet her when I'm up there. Did I tell you I was thrilled to meet John Derian my last trip?

(Photos courtesy of Cococozy and Elizabeth Bauer)


  1. Elizabeth's store looks like such fun! I'll have to swing by next time I'm in NYC.

    (And I totally know what you mean about posts that just develop organically...they always turn out the best/most original.)

  2. I love the idea of the cork board covered by wallpaper. I would love to go and see her store as well, it looks so nice!

  3. oooh those pieces of vintage wallpaper framed!!!! Divine!!

  4. Averill-It has me planning a junket.

  5. CC-It's such a great idea for an office-I love it!

  6. Admiring Pretty Things-Another great idea to borrow.
