Sunday, February 2, 2025

Happy Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day! The groundhog is not native to Florida, so Floridians have other methods to decide whether there will be six more weeks of winter.

In the Florida Keys, they use a queen conch in a shallow touch aquarium and see whether she sees her shadow.

Queen Conch - National Geographic

In Jacksonville, Florida, lots of folks take a sunrise ocean plunge in honor of the day.

With no groundhogs and lots of alligators here, the alligator is popular for predicting the weather - if the gator sees his shadow, it means 12 more months of Florida sunshine.

And shadows cast by palm trees always work. 

The tried and true method in South Florida is just to look out the window - temperatures will be around eighty degrees the next ten days. Wherever you are, I hope Spring comes early.


  1. In Louisiana the nutria foretells the early or late arrival of Spring.

  2. Beth, you are so funny! HA HA. I laughed out loud when I read your post. (Thankfully, I did not have my morning coffee in my mouth.)
