Thursday, January 30, 2025

Poodle Wicker Basket

Poodle Dog Wicker Basket

This is so much fun! It would be wonderful as shown below used as an umbrella stand.

Use it in your foyer guarding your front door.

Poodle Dog Wicker Basket

I was up very late last night watching coverage of the terrible airplane and helicopter crash at Reagan airport last night. The crash occurred just minutes from my previous home just south in Belle Haven in Alexandria, Virginia. So terrible. May all those lost Rest In Peace.


  1. We were watching as well. Such a terrible tragedy. 🙏

  2. As was I. Horrific. Reminded us of Jan 1982. RIP.🙏

  3. Did not know until I looked at your post. Devastating and as your other response remembered, I do too. On my way home from Georgetown having just crossed the bridge minutes earlier. Some memories are forever. May they all Rest In Peace and not know what happened. God Bless their families and friends. I will spend my day in quiet reflection.

  4. Who sells the poodle basket
