Saturday, February 3, 2024

Exciting News

CZ's Dogs by Slim Aarons

Exciting news. One week from day, there will be a new baby puppy at CCC. Harper and I are very excited and getting everything ready for her arrival. I am trying to squeeze all my appointments and meetings and such into this next week so that after she gets here, we can just stay in and enjoy her and get her into a routine. 

Her name will be Beatrice. I have hired a wonderful pet nanny transporter to get her and bring her here. Pet nanny transporters are a relatively new thing - they travel all over the country and internationally getting rescue dogs, puppies from breeders, for people moving, service people deployed, whatever reason a puppy or dog needs safe and personal transport.

She is a Japanese Chin, my favorite breed, and I have been looking for one for over a year and had all but given up. And I found her on Christmas Day!

Here she is with her littermates - Beatrice is on the left. I cropped the breeder out of the picture for her privacy. Look at those faces!

Beatrice and Littermates

I have also been approved as a Japanese Chin rescue adopter, so there could even be more additions to the family down the road!


  1. Congratulations! She is darling! We adopted a 4 year old rescue toy poodle 2 months ago after loosing the love of our life. She was groomed yesterday and I had our groomer change her hair-do a bit. Of course, posted on FB and one of my dear friends made the comment, "Not GiGi but CZ!" I replied "My little Swan?". So funny to see this just now! Enjoy

  2. Congratulations! What a beauty, and I love her name!! Transport nannies, what a great idea. When we adopted our rescue dachshund from Puerto Rico, she was flown to DFW then back to South Carolina. DFW had a blizzard and shutdown, and we were frantically trying to locate her. She finally ended up in Charlotte and we drove in the middle of the night to get her. I loved my Rosie with every ounce of my being until she died last year. No more, I said. Then I was asked to foster a teeny tiny min pin. That didn’t even last a whole day before I announced she was mine! Now Poppy has completely stolen my heart. Beth, your home will be so happy with another baby to love you. I am thrilled for you!!

  3. Congratulations! She’s absolutely precious.

  4. Beth, I never miss a blog from you. No matter where I am in the world you are the most important read ,and of all your musings this will be on top. Thanks to you I adopted a Havanese. Much better than any of my husbands by far.Had several of those. None compared to my little Cuban girl. Congratulations to the new addition.

  5. She's precious. Congratulations. You must have had to do considerable research in order to find her. I know you have been searching for a while.
