Monday, August 21, 2023

Pink & Green

Amanda Lindroth

This is such an interesting vignette in this Amanda Lindroth living room. A two-tiered antique chandelier hangs above a table draped with a custom awning-striped cloth and encircled by a set of Biedermeier chairs.

Skirted tables are almost invariably round - it's quite interesting seeing a square one. The walls are pink - another unexpected choice in a sophisticated living room. I am also intrigued by the set of six chairs flanking the skirted table. I suppose they are extra seating? I have a beautiful pair of Biedermeier chairs but as you can see they are generally very low and small and not super comfortable. The taxidermy peacocks freak me out though. There are peacocks in the wild in Sarasota - I prefer them outdoors and alive.

I am not sure what paint color she used here, but I have seen in several interviews with Amanda Lindroth that her favorite pink is Benjamin Moore Soft Pink.

Benjamin Moore Soft Pink 2012-70



  1. Is that the back of a sofa I see at the right side of the table? Seems like an unusual place for a sofa, but I cannot see the rest of the room, so it's hard to say. I love the BM Soft Pink. It's just a whisper of pink.

  2. 😄Agree about the peacocks -- just am not into taxidermy of any sort. Freaks me out too...deer, moose, fish, whatever.
    When we moved into our home in Mt. Vernon, the walls were exactly this color. Àfter a while, I had them repainted. 💚

  3. I don't like taxidermy either. I'll stick with wicker versions of animals and stuffed animals, thank you very much!
