Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Enveloped in Chinoiserie

John Fondas - House Beautiful

 Several followers commented and emailed wanting to see more of the John Fondas space I included in yesterday's post seen below. The hall in a Palm Beach condo, it is enveloped in Quadrille's Lyford Trellis.

The photo above offers a peek into the room beyond filed with chinoiserie. 

John Fondas - House Beautiful

Did I mention that John Fondas' husband is the owner of Quadrille?

Here is the hallway in their own home in the Bahamas. Also in Quadrille's Lyford Trellis.

John Fondas - Architectural Digest

Both are wonderful examples of how wallpaper can turn an oft overlooked space like a hallway into a wonderful focal point when carried from the walls onto the ceiling. I actually prefer the first one in blue where there is no crown molding to break up the pattern. But both are wonderful.

Look at Lyford Trellis in this room below. A pair of canvas palms/I love mine and I have that same coffee table - it is Miles Redd for Ballard Designs (no longer available) and it's in my study now. Love the pooch of course.

House of Elliot

And even more examples. 

Carolyn Pressly Interiors

Jeffrey Bilhuber - Elle Decor

Apparently continuing this wallpaper onto the ceiling is "a thing." I love this idea for hallways, porches, and bedrooms especially - it turns them into birdcages. Where would you use this idea in your home?

This custom pink would be perfect in my vestibule.

Quadrille Lyford Trellis - custom colorway


  1. Al Spok Very Beautiful !! LOVE The Wallpaper !

  2. I think this would be fabulous in a converted attic bedroom.

    1. I agree, especially with the interesting ceilings.

  3. I would love this for my powder room.

    1. It would be like a little birdcage - great idea.
