Ralph Lauren |
I love palms indoors as well as outside and have decided to add one (or more) to my home. A basket container is a great choice, but my favorite is blue and white Chinese porcelain. Here are two lovely examples. I will spend a little time today on this project. There are so many choices of palm trees down here and the prices for smaller indoor palms are so reasonable. Are there any varieties you all have had great luck with indoors? Please share.
Amanda Lindroth- House Beautiful |
The room in the first picture is just beautiful and I knew it was Ralph's before I even scrolled down far enough to see his name. I love indoor potted trees and I love palms, but what about a large leaf tropical plant, such as a banana?
ReplyDeleteI plan to use some banana trees in the garden, but love the look of potted palms.
DeleteI've never had luck with potted palms here in Florida. One problem is they juice them up with fertilizer to make them nice and full. When you take them home they're pretty stressed. I've heard that you should run a garden hose in them and wash out all the minerals and fertilizer, but they also need tons of sun so it's hard to make them thrive inside. There are services for commercial spaces that will switch out your palms from time to time when they get ratty. You could do that so you have nice palms all the time.
ReplyDeleteI have four potted palms outdoors and they have quadrupled in size in months and could not be happier. So I can always experiment and rotate palms between indoors, the lanai, and outdoors.
DeleteI live in Southern California and have had Kentia palms in my home for many years. I do take it outside once or twice a year and wash it throughly and give it some extra sun under a covered patio.
ReplyDeleteI have always grown Kentia palms and love them, but they are oddly not found down here and it seems weird to ship in palms when there are zillions here. I just read that they like the cooler nights of California and don't do well outdoors here, which is probably why I am not seeing them.
DeleteI have always loved the blue-green look and growth habit of the Bismarkia nobles, or Bismark palm. I also love the look of some of the agaves when they are potted.
I love both, but think they are better suited for outdoors.
DeleteI live in Victoria, BC, Canada and am dying to find a palm (or 2) like the one in the Ralph Lauren photo. I never see them in the garden centers or florists here. And most of the large trees (5 feet or larger) are $300 or more. Heavy sigh.
ReplyDeleteLocation of course. Here they are practically free - LOL.