Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Aubergine & Chinoiserie

Matthew Bees - House Beautiful
 The bedroom above by interior designer Matthew Bees is in a historic Charleston single in Charleston, South Carolina. My home in Alexandria is modeled after a Charleston single where the narrow side of the house faces the street.

I love the aubergine walls and ceiling paired with blue and white and lots of blue and white Chinese porcelain. I would love to use this color sometime in my home. Below are some other favorite aubergine rooms with Chinoiserie.

Mario Bautta

Celerie Kemble

Alex Papachristidis


  1. These are really stunning. I'm not really a fan of purples, but I would certainly make an exception for these. I especially love the room by Mario Buatta. Gorgeous!

  2. I agree, not a fan of purple except really light like lavender or really dark like this.

  3. These are some truly gorgeous rooms!!!! I think you really have to know what you are doing to be able to pull off purple with this kind of success!!!
