Friday, July 25, 2014

The Chinoiserie Dog - We're Home!

Furlow Gatewood

We arrived back home yesterday from a whirlwind trip to Pittsburgh. We stayed at the Omni William Penn and ate at Butcher and the Rye on Wednesday, then yesterday we picked up this little angel at the breeder and back to DC. It was Kate and my first time in Pittsburgh and we loved it! She's eating great and slept all night, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that she will settle in easily.



  1. Welcome to the Chinoiserie Chic world baby girl!

  2. She is a doll! I love black and white animals. My Maltese is all white and I am considering getting a
    King Charles Cavalier and I love those with the black and white markings. Enjoy her!

  3. Congratulations Beth. I hope Margot and Izzy will be great friends.

  4. Hi pretty girl! Hope this means more pet accessorie posts in the future. Hope the little one continues to settle in nicely.

  5. congratulations! She is cuter than cute!

  6. Such a sweetie....I live in Pittsburgh and my I ask which breeder you got Margot from! Enjoy!

  7. Oh my goodness, I have missed so much. What an adorable pup! I was surprised to read that it was your first time in PA. Good luck with the new baby.
