Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blue and White Week

It's Blue and White Week here at Chinoiserie Chic, with a whole week's worth of blue and white Chinoiserie posts. We'll kick off with a blue and white post for The Pink Pagoda's Blue and White Bash Linking Party tomorrow. You'll be feeling very blue if you miss that. Wednesday is Launch Day of the new One Room Challenge and you will find out what room I will be redoing in blue and white and Chinoiserie.

Every day this week you will get your fix of blue and white Chinoiserie rooms, products, and ideas. Hope you'll tune in. Below are some blue and white and Chinoiserie rooms I have just pinned that may be new to you.

Oscar de la Renta

House Beautiful

via Pinterest

via Pinterest

Cathy Kincaid

Suzanne McGrath

Meg Braff

via Pinterest


  1. Always adore your blue & white features! you get it right every time BETH!!
