Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday Inspiration - Gallery Wall

New York Times
I love a great gallery wall. Add a a pair of foo dogs for a touch of Chinoiserie! This is Ben Pentreath's shop on Rugby Street in Bloomsbury, London.


  1. So interesting Beth. I am still in search of the perfect foo dogs!

    2013 Designer Series & Giveaway!

  2. How fab would this be with pressed flora from one's own garden? A sort of vertical scrapbook for the garden delights that sleep under the snow, and an inspiration to go out with a watering can when it's too hot out for any creature or bloom :)
    Kassie "aka" Mom

  3. The photo is of Ben Pentreath's great shop on Rugby Street in Bloomsbury, London. I'm lucky enough to pass by often and can't resist popping in.
