Thursday, September 20, 2012

2,000 Posts

I have just gone over 2,000 posts here at Chinoiserie Chic. Thanks so much to all of you who follow me so loyally and with such enthusiasm. What can I say to those of you who told me when I started that I would soon run out of material with such a limited topic? The best is yet to come.


  1. Congrats on sticking with what you love - always enjoy your posts! Tracey xx

  2. That is an amazing accomplishment! I cannot imagine...I'm doing good if I post twice a month :)
    You are obviously committed and love what you're doing. Congratulations!
    Incidentally, I watch a lot of old classic movies and I'm so much more aware of the chinoiserie decor now that I follow your blog. Good stuff :)

  3. Congratulations! I've been amazed by what you have done. In the future when Chinoiserie Chic is in the dictionary, you're name will be credited with its invention!

  4. Congrats! While I only started commenting in the last month, I have read every single post and you do a fabulous job. I wish my blog had such focus!

  5. Beth, You rock! I have been so influenced by your site. Thx for the hard work & wonderful finds you discover!!!
