Saturday, May 14, 2011

White Chinese Chippendale Chair High/Low

Above, Jonathan Adler's version starting at $495 up to $650, depending on fabric choice for cushion. Below, a redone vintage one on Etsy for $50. Not a tough choice for me. (Update, it sold in under 10 minutes after my post!)


  1. But alas, the lady on Etsy only has one...

  2. You are such a facilitator! Nice work! franki

  3. Yes Beth you are great at these finds!! Truthfully why pay more unless you are an antiques dealer!

    I have a New Giveaway from Serena and Lily you will love!

    Art by Karena

  4. Gorgeous as usual -thanks for sharing and reminding us to keep looking at Esty, Ebay and all those wonderful resources we now have. And big thank you again for the wonderful books I received in honor of your two year bloggiversary :) They arrived safely late last week but I was in NY for a wedding and did not enjoy them until this afternoon. And what a lovely afternoon you made it :)
