Friday, April 8, 2011

Jennifer Dengel

Through Aesthetic Oiseau I have discovered the wonderful work of Jennifer Dengel, an interior designer with a fresh, young approach to Chinoiserie who clearly loves David Hicks' The Vase as much as we do here at Chinoiserie Chic.


  1. Lovely photos. The pair of blue lamps in the first one are gorgeous! I also love the little yellow alcove, with the reading bench tucked into it. Would be a great place to escape with a cup of tea and a book.

  2. So pretty..that first picture of those aqua colored lamps in front of the yellow wallpaper is quite stunning! Thanks!

  3. Some beautiful export ware touches, the mirror paintings of the two ladies are fab, this young designer is really capturing a fresh and somewhat authentic export ware feel, in my eyes this is a very pure interpretation of chinoiserie. More power to you young lady, excellent work.

  4. I love all the yellow! AO is pretty brilliant herself! xo kitty

  5. Not only does she love The Vase wallpaper (Funny, I featured it in a post on Monday and was going to dedicate a whole post on it but every image I found was on your blog so I thought I'd be copying!) but she used Albert Hadley's fireworks several times as well. I am using it in my daughter's room on the walls. I, too, was glad to have the introduction to this fresh designer!

  6. Love the lambrequin. Delightful interpretation.
