Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Chinoiserie Focal Point

These fabulously fresh Chinoiserie infused rooms are all by the design firm of Massucco Warner Miller. The three San Francisco designers-Julie Massucco, Melissa Warner, and Carrie Miller joined forces in 2008. Their portfolio is brilliant-to view it all click here. I have selected these rooms to highlight the point that to give a room great Chinoiserie flair does not require new furniture or even lots of new Chinoiserie accessories. All you need is a Chinoiserie focal point. In the child's bedroom above, it is of course the headboard in what looks like Quadrille Chinoiserie toile.

This bedroom has been transformed into a Chinoiserie retreat with one of my favorite wallpapers-Osborne & Little Summer Palace. For more on this wonderfully versatile wallpaper, click here.

This dining room takes its Chinoiserie inspiration from the pair of framed silk panels.

This is the office of the designers themselves. Note how the wonderful turquoise pieces including the chandelier and foo dog collection take center stage.


  1. Love their work! Cassandra went to San Fran. show house a couple of years ago and called a said" they were her favorite that year"that i had to check them out. It is so fun they are a team of three. Great images.

  2. so many good ideas in this post - i'm loving all of the turquoise details!

  3. I spotted that incredible child's bedroom on the All the Best Blog; the designers had submitted it for the bedroom design contest that Ronda & her partnership with SFERRA have going at this time. Such a fabulous room & so happy to see you love it too. Every time I read your blog I am overjoyed with greatness!

  4. So pretty -- I think that the first room is my favorite. The color is so powerful and lovely. Also, that chandelier is amazing -- heavy yet delicate...

  5. Wow, that turquoise chandelier is AMAZING!!!

  6. gorgeous blue and white wallpaper!
    xo Laura

  7. What a great concept for a post. I'm not familiar with their work - can't wait to check it out. And that wallpaper is wonderful.

  8. CC-I love their work too. Their entire portfolio is fabulous.

  9. Allison-Great use of color here-I love the use of turquoise especially.

  10. Deb-There are many overrated designers out there. I enjoy bringing attention to real talent like these three.

  11. Sarah-My favorite as well. So great seeing a child's room that is really elegant. My daughter's rooms were always beautiful and she's a lead fashion stylist at Neiman Marcus. I do think it rubs off.

  12. Laura-Summer Palace is one of my favorites.

  13. Sanity Fair-I'll do a post using furniture examples too-thanks.

  14. Thanks to your tutelage I think I have found my favorite chinoiserie designer! Xo kitty

  15. G.-The chandelier is a show stopper.

  16. I love these designers -- they're just about 100% my style and I love how they've incorporated Chinoiserie into fun, colorful and otherwise contemporary spaces. It's a great blend.

    And that turquoise chandelier is TO DIE FOR.

  17. That child's bedroom makes me want to pass out, it's SO FAB!! Oh, but wait! That chandelier - I'd easily sacrifice a digit for it! ;)

  18. P.S. - Beth, do you know if the Quadrille Toile is still available?

  19. Averill-I thought you would like these.

  20. Alison-It looks like Quadrille's Paradise Background, which is very similar to China Seas Lyford Background. Both are still available as far as I know.

  21. Does anyone know where I can purchase this chandelier? I am obsessed with it!

  22. I agree where can we get that chandelier...anyone know??
