Sunday, June 16, 2024

Help Wanted/Give Me A Break


First, Happy Father's Day to all the dads and dad figures out there on this special day.

I managed to break my right kneecap yesterday, so my life is a bit crazy right now. I'm in an immobilizer splint and on crutches waiting to see an orthopedic surgeon this week. 

How it happened is so random. As usual, the pups were hogging the bed and had me hugging the right edge of the bed. In my sleep, I rolled over and fell, hitting the very hard tile floor with my right knee. Yikes. And it is not a stress fracture - it is broken in two. I am unable to drive since it's my right leg.

Not sure what's next until I see the specialist this week. I'm exhausted with no sleep, the emergency room, and on top of that I hosted a wine tasting and dinner last night for 22 people. Luckily I had lots of friends attending who did everything for me.

The biggest deal is no driving for weeks or months. I see lots of Uber and Instacart in my future. Oh well. You learn in life that you just have to deal with what's thrown at you. This too shall pass.




  1. Oh Beth, I pray for a speedy recovery and many happy days. Time to rest and heal. Stay pain free.

  2. Beth, this is awful news. I'm so sorry. Hopefully you'll have a highly trained, experienced surgeon with wonderful bedside manners. The latter is so important for a successful recovery. You being the inspiration for the energizer bunny, it will indeed be crappy. Let people help and do for you. Maybe now is the time to plan writing your biography. I'll want to read it. Be of stout heart. I'll keep you in mine daily. Instacart is better than sliced bread. TLC from this devoted sister shopper. A hot summer is a good time to take a break. No pun intended. Think Christmas and ribbons. Again Beth, a speedy recovery. 😘

  3. Oh, how absolutely awful. Wishing you a speedy recovery!🙏

  4. Get well soon—and lots of puppy hugs

  5. I'm so very sorry, Beth. It's so frustrating to find yourself in a position of being impaired like this when you are so independent and have so much you want to accomplish. A definite "yes" to Anonymous's comment about making sure you have excellent medical practitioners, and not hesitating to reach out and ask for assistance in doing ordinary things that might now be challenging. Now might be a good time to increase the number of movie and tv subscriptions you have, and take another look at books that may have interested you, but you were too busy to read. Sending positive thoughts your way for a speedy recovery.

  6. Beth, wishing you a comfortable, speedy recovery. Sending love and lots of HEALING THOUGHTS to you, a very special lady!

  7. Oh no! I hate hearing this. My elderly mom was driving and was hit by a drunk driver in November. Her knee hit the dashboard and fractured her knee cap. She was also in an immobilizer. It was a rather lengthy recovery but she is considerably older than you. It slowed her down a bit but even with the brace she was able to do most of the things she wanted to do. I’m hoping it is your left knee so you will be able to drive. I will also add that my mom is walking normally again and so will you. Wishing you a rapid recovery.

  8. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  9. This is terrible - and am so very sorry :( 20 years ago I broke my RIGHT foot and could not DRIVE too - my hubby had to take kids to school, pick them up, etc. etc etc. I vowed to do everything possible in future to maintain balance, strength etc. I do NOT wish to be one of those little ole ladies in the grocery stores on the motorized cart, but S&*% happens. BLESSINGS & a VERY speedy recovery !

  10. I’m so sorry that this has happened! Wishing you a great recovery with the help of an excellent medical team.

  11. Sooooo sorry to hear this! Hoping you heal quickly.

  12. Very, very bummer! Things can change so quickly, it's scary.

  13. I am so sorry for your accident and all the pain you must be feeling. I so enjoy your blog and have bought several things you so graciously show us. Not being sble to drive is so very limiting. Hope you find help and relief and that you have a speedy recovery.

  14. Beth, so sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you receive the best care and are on the road to a Speedy Recovery shortly!!! Take care.

  15. I am so sorry, Beth. I'm betting that you set records for short time of full recovery. Hope your bedroom can hold a larger bed; you're a great beautiful- things-finder!

  16. Beth, i’m so sorry to hear about your accident. Several years ago I broke my patella, slipping on water by my dog’s fault and hitting that hard Tile. My doctor opted not to operate the kept me immobile for six weeks, then PT. I would love to help you out, but unfortunately I am on the East coast of Florida. I wish you the best for an easy and speedy recovery

  17. I have a friend who was riding her bike and got hit by a car, breaking her kneecap. She was in a wheelchair during her recovery. I wish you the best. I live alone and realize just how life-changing something like this can be!

  18. Beth, I am very sorry for your accident. I hope the surgeon will have some good news. I wish you were still in NV so I could help you.

  19. Beth, I am so sorry! I wish you a full and speedy recovery. May you find a stack of good reading and a stream of captivating movies and some good help to take over your daily chores. Lots of healing love and good wishes from Virginia.

  20. Beth, I have never posted before, but have to say I am an ardent fan of yours and have spent more $$$ loving your suggestions than I want to know about. I have just undergone two complete knee replacements within the last seven months. Give yourself patience and know that pain does finally go away. As my daughter-in-law says, "A girl has to do what a girl has to do."
    You are one strong and capable girl. Sending love and get well vibes!

  21. OMG. Good luck with the orthopedist. As a surgeon’s wife, I can’t understand the wait to see an orthopedist but, hopefully, it will give you the opportunity to research! Get all the help. Speedy recovery!

  22. best prayers for speedy and pain free recovery,Beth! - linda,nyc

  23. Beth,

    Wishing you a speedy and peaceful recovery! I’m a long time blog follower. I have loved and admired you from afar for years. I look forward to my daily dose of happiness each morning. You mean so much to so many!!

    Best wishes from Alabama,
    Sarah Joy

  24. Oh no!! This stinks!!! Sorry this happened to you!

  25. Beth- life changes in a minute! Sending positive thoughts for a steady recovery. good advice from above- be open to those who want to help....they offer because they want to. take care my dear xox.

  26. Our thoughts are with you recover quickly!

  27. Dear Beth,

    So sorry to hear about your leg. I hope it mends quickly. You are right, we all have to deal with whatever comes our way, you have the right attitude.

  28. Hand controls

    At most U.S. locations, cars equipped with hand controls are available at no extra charge. Reservations for cars equipped with hand controls can be automatically confirmed with as little as 8 hours notice at major airport locations, and as little as 24 hours notice at other major locations.*

    One-way rentals of hand-control cars are permitted without any extra cost for the special equipment. However, certain restrictions and intercity fees do apply to all one-way rentals. Please check for details at time of reservation.

    *While Hertz is able to provide hand controls on certain vehicles within our fleet, due to customer safety concerns and vehicle availability considerations, we cannot provide adaptive driving devices on every model or confirm a particular make or model for a reservation.

  29. So very sorry, Beth. The way this happened IS random. Wishing you an easy time of it. Will be thinking of you. 💚
