Sunday, May 2, 2021

Statement Wallpaper

Domino magazine


Did you know that Gucci has home decor including this amazing Heron wallpaper? I always hated accent walls, but lately I have been seeing lots of rooms where one wall is papered in a statement paper and it is more modern, less expensive, and not as busy. This room above is a wonderful example. 

Gucci Heron wallpaper


  1. Very pretty wallpaper. Would have preferred to see it on a wall that doesn't have windows or anything that would cut into the pattern.

    1. You said the same thing about my flamingo bathroom post - LOL.

    2. That's funny, I don't remember but I guess it's a thing with me in general. What a shame to have a beautiful, large, figurative pattern hacked off in places that don't break naturally and therefore, (at least to my eye) look like a badly executed job.

    3. With windows, doors, and fireplaces, you have to do the best you can.

  2. It's beautiful. Do you know what kind of room this is? It appears as if it might be a woman's office space.

  3. Seems to have the markings of the [very endangered] Whooping Crane - red crest and beak surround, white body, black wingtips, long dark legs, long beak. He stands as tall as you do, Beth!

    1. Egrets, cranes, and herons are confusing - Gucci is obviously not up on their birds - LOL. We have lots here including the beautiful Sandhill Cranes.

  4. The wallpaper is the best thing from what I can tell of the room. The chairs complement it, so good choice there. Not sure what those small (chrome?) sconces on the white wall are all about. Same goes for the black-shaded lamp. Instead of the puny brass side table with a little white ceramic pot & palm, I would have opted for a 7'+ tall potted palm tree.

    But the wallpaper is so fab, perhaps it might distract from other less than inspired choices. And who knows what the whole space looks like....
