Tuesday, September 8, 2020

This Week at CCC

Amanda Lindroth

Lots on tap this week. Yesterday I bought a bunch of gorgeous pink bromeliads just like these for the garden. Aren't they pretty? I am planting them this morning.

Pink bromeliads

I did lots in the garden over the weekend and it is looking wonderful.

Hopefully my wallpaper hanger will appear later this week. Sarasota and Venice are hot real estate markets and trades-people are very busy which is a good thing in these uncertain economic times, so I will be patient. But I am super excited about finishing the laundry room and guest bath soon.

The new sink and counter in the guest bath

Amanda Lindroth wicker tray in guest bath

I am starting to put together the guest bedroom this week. It is my staging area for all of the art waiting to be hung, so I won't be able to finish it, but I'll make some progress. I love the Amanda Lindroth bedroom at the top of the post - especially all the orchids. I have a beautiful silver bar cart I am using in there as a bedside table and might style it with orchids. I love all the wicker and rattan - mine will have some, but alas not this fabulous canopy bed.


  1. Are those little Foo dogs on the Lindroth tray from your laundry powder room in NOVA? It’s fun to see how you style existing possessions in your new home. Pieces we love will always find a place to shine, wherever we are. Best wishes.

  2. The place pink bromeliads are just gorgeous! I would love a whole bed of those in the garden.

  3. Love the pretty pink bromeliads! How lucky to be able to garden year round. It is 41 degrees here today and feels like fall.

    1. I am so done with cold weather. This was my first summer in Florida and the heat did not bother me at all. I grew up in Chicago and hated the winters.

  4. Oh my! So much to love! Those bromeliads are such a gorgeous pink! So happy to see everything as it falls into place!

  5. I too am glad for the trades, my wallpaper person can not do my Door County home until December. I too am being patient, glad they have a list of clients! I will be so excited when the room is finished and I can style!

  6. Everything is coming together beautifully. So fun to follow along.

  7. That guest bath is going to be a real jewel box. Can’t wait to see the finished product.
