Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Backgammon , Bridge, Board Games

House Beautiful

House Beautiful online did a piece on hobbies that grandmillenials are taking up, especially during this stay at home period. Examples included needlepoint and flower arranging, both things I love. Another was board games. I used to play lots of backgammon in law school. I love this set featured here. Any idea what it is?

They also mentioned a discontinued Lilly Pulitzer Monopoly set which is apparently crazy collectible. I would love to find this.

I'm debating taking up bridge - very popular down here. I'd love to find a needlepoint card table cover like the one in the top picture.

I looked on eBay and Etsy but didn't find anything yet.

This oomph backgammon table is $4,000!

Caspari has some lovely bridge sets like this.

Any ideas?


  1. The answer is Mah Jongg. Absorbing but easier to learn than bridge. The tile sets are beautiful, I have a wonderful Jonathan Adler Mah Jongg table. Very chinoiserie chic.

  2. One of the silver linings of being in isolation is that my 16-year old son is willing to play backgammon with me! And I'm also interested in learning to play bridge - seems like a great game of strategy and one which would give you a regular social outlet - when we can have those again!

    1. Backgammon is a great game. Bridge is very popular here in Florida - you can play 6 days a week if you like. I think I would catch on quickly. So fun you can play with your son.

  3. I am fortunate to own the Lilly Monopoly set—found it new, sealed in box on eBay last summer. It might get opened soon...,,

    1. I am hoping to snag one too - I have found that everything shows up eventually on eBay. Congratulations!

  4. Yes! I've been coveting Jonathan Ader's backgammon sets for years but couldn't justify one because I didn't know how to play. Then I discovered my husband LOVES backgammon. When he offered to teach me, I picked up the Jonathan Adler Op Art set for 30% off on Horchow!

  5. I strongly encourage you to take up Bridge, one of the most fun activities imaginable....and the smarter a person is, the more fun bridge is...which means you will be great at it and really love it! Duplicate bridge is a game of skill, not luck, so it hones your mind and keeps it sharp. When things go back to normal, you can find a good duplicate bridge club near you and start playing there, and eventually find a partner you really like as it's a partnership game.

    1. I plan on it. My significant other who I live with plays about 30 hours a week and is looking for a new bridge partner. I just don't want it to be me. There is duplicate bridge club minutes from me (now on hiatus of course) 6 days a week.
