Friday, November 7, 2014

Repeating a Fabric

Robert Brown Design
I was interested to see this room by Robert Brown in Adamsleigh Show House using Clarence House The Vase throughout the space.

While repeating a fabric was once the look, the modern approach is using a pattern once in a room. This does seem to be a somewhat dated look to me. What do you think?

Robert Brown Design


  1. Depending on the fabric perhaps but it such a fabric that is quite patterened like this then it just seems like lazy decorating or cookie cutter decorating. Maybe one room can be like this but no more than one.

  2. The vase fabric sort of becomes the focal point and lends texture and visual interest in this otherwise quiet room. It unifies the two spaces and moves the eye through the space with a fluidity that supports the calmer understructure. I have always loved that fabric/wallcovering. If you love it, it isn't dated ;-) Just one person's opinion! So tired of trendy.

  3. I'm a designer that typically doesn't follow trends; I'm more about timeless interiors which is why I enjoy classic Chinoiserie. Now, I can appreciate a good deal of repeat pattern like most designers but I do think there is a way to design with a repeat without it taking over the room. Such as perhaps the drapes and slipper chair in the same pattern would have been enough but a complimenting fabric, stripe or solid for pillows would have balanced the room more appropriately. This allows a larger scale pattern fabric to remain special. Too many custom upholstered items in the same overall pattern can take away from the uniqueness of said pattern. I guess I come from the philosophy that not every item in a room should be fighting for the lead role. There must be supporting roles to highlight the lead. Just my option.
