Friday, January 11, 2013

Sources for Greek Key Trim

When you are talking about Greek key trim, Samuel & Sons is the choice of interior designers if there is the budget for it, as the wider trim shown here below retails for about $69.00 a yard. Imported from France, the colors and quality are exquisite. See the entire line here.

Samuel & Sons

Samuel & Sons

Samuel & Sons
Wildly popular for its fabulous colors and price (under $10.00 a yard for the wider 60mm), M&J Trimming is the "go to" source for quality on a budget. Unfortunately, it is so popular it is back ordered right now until February, so order it now to be in on their next shipment. See it here.

*Please note that in all my examples I am suggesting the wider widths of the trim. The biggest mistake people make is not with skimping on the quality, but the width. Go wide as opposed to skinny with your Greek key trim for a luxury high end look, especially on curtains.*

M&J Trimming

M&J Trimming

M&J Trimming

Another great choice is Lewis and Sheron Textiles. Their Athena tape at $15.00 a yard and wider Greek key tape at $20.00 a yard are excellent quality.

Lewis and Sheron Athena

Lewis and Sheron Athena

Lewis and Sheron Greek Key

Lewis and Sheron Greek Key

Calico Corners has Athena on sale right now at $9.00 a yard - a great deal.


  1. Check out this link to Rago Auctions and the mirror in the next lot. Auctions are a great source of Chinoiserie pieces!

  2. Thank you! So much possibilities, they are gorgeous!
