Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fools Aftermath and Blue Foo Dogs

After all the dozens of emails and comments yesterday imploring me to continue Chinoiserie Chic, all I can say is-it was April Fools Day! Do you recall last year's prank? Click here. I'm not going anywhere-I love doing this. Have you noticed blue foo dogs everywhere? They add such a great pop of color to any space. The room above is by Miles Redd.

Betsy Burnham


Nick Olsen

via House of Turquoise

Amanda Malson and Jolene Ballard

Lindsey Harper

Alessandra Branca

Culman & Kravis

Ivanka Trump

Palmer Weiss


  1. Ahhhhhhhhh. Only April Fools.

    Before the year is over I must show off my vintage linen Chinoiseri draperies.

    Saved from a home being torn down for a WalMart parking lot.

    They are in my bedroom & office. La-ti-da. FREE.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  2. Love the Foo dogs....have a couple of pairs in that color in different styles....might STILL get the tall upright ones because they make such a statement and I have a PLACE for them! Such nice eye candy for a Saturday morning! Have a great weekend!

  3. You are as bad as a friend of mine (a confirmed bachelor/divorcee) who called and told me he was getting married at noon and wanted me to be the witness. being a hopeless romantic, I was over the moon, and of course, it was a joke.

    So glad you're not going anywhere! :-)

  4. I remember a pair of foo dogs in the exact same blue as the ones in the last photo from my childhood. Unfortunately, my mom says she does not know where they are ,which means she threw them out/donated them to goodwill. I wish she still had them, I would totally love them right now! Foo dogs are very cool, and just when I think I'm getting over them I realize I still like them!!
    Glad you are going to continue blogging!! xo
